My experience

On Wednesday at 4.00 p.m ,i went home to bojonegoro by bus. Before i took it, i had many experiences. First , from my dormitory to the main street ,i stopped a public transportation ,the name of it was AL(Arjosari Landungsari). Then in Arjosari bus stopped, i found the bus of travel took a long time about seven hours.
I arrived in Bojonegoro at 11.30 a.m. i was really afraid there,because i couldn’t find any public transportation. I only found many riders of motorcycle who carried passenger to go anywhere or here we called “ojek” . all the shop was closed. My father couldn’t pick me up ,because it was too far and night. I relly wanted to cry but i thought there were nobody heard. I felt so sad. My batteray’s phone was low ,so i couldn’t call my family at home.i was really confused.and then , i struggled to prevend my tears dropped from my eyes.of course , i tried to borrow the mobile phone of the people there to call my family suggested me to use the ojek from Bojonegoro to Kalitidu. Then i called one of them to carry me in my house.
On the way , i was frightened ,because Mr.ojek rode his motorcycle very fast.authomatically, i read sholawat as many as i could. When i arrived in the kalitidu , there was my father was waiting me. After that , he spoke with Mr.ojek and said thank you for him. Then, Mr. Ojek went back to Bojonegoro.
I arrived at home at 12.00 a.m. i was really happy and said thanks to God because i could meet my family .


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